属鼠朋友今年排名第⼆,恭喜恭喜!运势福星⾼照。因为得到贵⼈相助,只要勤奋努⼒,便能⼤展宏图。好好把握流年机遇,让事业更上⼀层楼,经商⼈⼠有利于海外扩充业务,想要创业的朋友可提前做好准备,多找⼈合作帮忙,凡事先谋定⽽后动。 低调⾏事、少说多做,以免遭到⼝舌是非缠⾝。 由于今年受刑太岁的影响,因此在获得成功的同时要谦逊低调,维持良好的人际关系,谨言慎行避免与他⼈发⽣争执,否则将会受到⼩⼈口舌是非的陷害困扰。
健康⽅⾯令⼈满意,只是偶尔的⼩病痛⽽已。今年要避免因为聚会应酬饭局频繁,吃喝玩乐,饮食过量⽽带来肠 胃问题,⼯作之余要维持充份的休息,多做运动才能有助于⾝体的健康,⽽且也不应该给⾃⼰太⼤的压⼒⼯作,凡事都要适可⽽⽌,因为过度的操劳会直接影响到健康,有时间也不妨多和家⼈或朋友出外旅⾏,放松⾝⼼。有空的时候也可去做全⾯的⾝体检查,了解⾃⼰的⾝体状况。
As positive stars are aligned in your favour, this year is a strong rebound from the previous years. There will be benefactors who will help your life and career. Take this opportunity to do your best to propel your career. While enjoying your success, do remember to keep a low profile and stay humble to avoid problems with others. Those who are thinking of starting their own business should plan ahead of time, and seek more advice before making decisions.
Your luck in wealth is very strong this year. Expect your investments and businesses to bring about good returns. Maintain good relationships with others, keep a low profile and work hard. This will help you overcome any problems. Grab this chance to carry out your plans. Your career will be smooth sailing and your work will be recognised by your superiors and colleagues. This year is also ideal for you to expand your career abroad. Remember to continuously innovate, and improve business processes and ideas. Be extremely careful with your finances and beware of falling for scams.
You have excellent luck in relationships and you’ll attract potential partners easily. Married couples should maintain boundaries when meeting others. For singles, your professional success proves to be highly attractive. As your love luck blossoms this year, take this opportunity to confess to your ideal partner. It is an ideal year for marriage planning.
You’ll generally be in good health, except for some minor illnesses. Make sure to have sufficient rest and exercise regularly to boost your immune system. Avoid overeating and have a balanced diet. You tend to overwork in order to make full use of your excellent career luck, which might cause your immune system to weaken. Lead a balanced lifestyle, and spend time with your family and friends. Do regular check-ups to make sure that your health is at its optimum.
⽣肖属牛的朋友进入2023的癸卯兔年,命宫中凶星众多,工作上会遇到较多的阻碍,压⼒⼤⽽造成情绪不佳。不适合寻求新的发展或扩充营业,只要做好份内之事,积累技能和经验,才能为以后的事业发展打下坚实基础。人际关系较差,平时要懂得冷静,克制坏脾气,多与⼈交流和多参加⼀些集体活动来增强⼈缘,同时要虚⼼接纳朋友的建议。财运⽅⾯要量入⽽为,做好财务规划, 另外在处理重要⽂件和事务时,⼀定要谨慎,不可疏忽⼯作细节以免犯错。
财星受损,小心意外破财,宜平衡好⽀出和收入,今年做事应该稳打稳扎,计划规律,不可懒惰拖延,不可进⾏⾼⻛险的投机活动,恐防判断错误造成破财,涉及⾦钱项⽬较⼤的投资时,最好和家⼈商量⼀下,适当的时候要听取他⼈的意⻅,以防卷入小人与⾦钱纠纷,严重者还可能惹来官非。出⻔在外要锁好⻔窗,外出时要加强⾃我防范意识,最好财不外露,看管好⾃⼰的钱财,注意贵重 物品随⾝携带。今年不可轻易借钱给他⼈,以免有去⽆回,给⾃⼰徒增烦恼。
It will not be a smooth year for those born in the Year of the Ox. You’ll meet with numerous obstacles and changes at work which might affect your emotions. You have poor interpersonal relationships. You should learn how to keep your cool and temper under control. Improve your relationships by communicating with others and participating in group activities. It is not a good year to explore new horizons. Continue with your current position and prepare for the future when your luck takes a turn for the better. In the meantime. hone your skills and gain experience. Learn to be receptive to the opinions of others. Plan your finances well this year and avoid any high-risk investments. When dealing with important documents and affairs, pay careful attention to avoid mistakes.
Your wealth luck is poor, so be prudent with your finances. Stay away from high-risk investments to prevent unnecessary losses due to bad judgment. If there are good opportunities, seek your family members’ advice before making any decision. As you are susceptible to losing wealth this year, make sure to look after your belongings and secure your house. Refrain from lending money to others.
Your love luck is not ideal this year. You’ll have arguments with your partner due to drastic mood swings. Be more tolerant of each other, learn to understand and compromise. Married couples should keep a distance from the opposite sex, so as to avoid provoking rotten peach blossoms that affect their relationship. Singles should not be overzealous about getting into a relationship. Also, beware of love scams. Instead, channel your energy into your career and let nature take its course. Those planning for marriage should do more charitable deeds before tying the knot. These actions will aid your marriage as a whole.
You may suffer some form of injury this year, so do be extra careful to avoid accidents. Your health isn’t ideal, especially for those who suffer from gastrointestinal issues. Stick to a healthy diet, strengthen your immune system and plan regular health check-ups. Drive safely and abide by the traffic rules. Do not drink and drive, or attempt to multi-task when driving. Avoid hospital or funeral visits. You may consider doing some rituals to improve your luck.
You will meet with obstacles and disruptions, which will lead to monetary losses or injuries. While your luck is bad, your career will see progress with the help of benefactors and your persistent hard work. Beware of toxic people and improve your relationships with people. Keep a low profile and avoid poking your nose into issues that do not concern you. Focus on your work and take things one step at a time.
With a lack of luck in wealth this year, you will have to depend on your hard work to generate your income. Plan your finances carefully, and pay special attention to cash flow and your expenditure. Avoid gambling and focus on your career. In order to prevent yourself from landing in an unfavourable situation, avoid being a guarantor or taking up loans on behalf of friends and relatives. Be extra careful when you are presented with new opportunities. Do your due diligence before making any form of monetary investment.
It will be a year of turbulent emotions and arguments. You easily offend others by saying the wrong words, which can result in misunderstandings. You should always keep a clear mind and think before you speak. Couples will experience conflicts and misunderstandings frequently, hence it is important to be understanding and to compromise. You will lose the spark in your marriage. Do not bring work-related issues home and take out your frustrations on your partner. Always remember the importance of a supporting and peaceful family. Married couples should exercise restraint around the opposite gender to prevent any unwanted attention. Singles should participate in more social events to increase their chances of making new friends.
You have to take better care of your health this year. You will experience extreme fatigue and stress due to work and social gatherings. Get enough rest, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. Make plans to go for health screenings. Males should take note of renal problems, while females should look out for gynaecological issues. If you experience any discomfort, get yourself checked to prevent your condition from getting worse.
今年有伴侣的朋友常常会因为处理事情的意⻅不⼀致⽽发⽣争执,当双⽅出现 问题时要尽量去沟通解决,以免加深⽭盾。已婚者也要提防因家庭琐事和孩⼦教育问题⽽争吵,建议好好控制情绪,凡事多沟通忍让。单⾝桃花运较弱,可尝试由⻓辈朋友介绍或多参与社交活动,增加遇上⼼仪对象的机会。在⼯作、⽣活中遇到问题时要改善⼀下⾃⼰的态度,千万不可好胜,给⾃⼰创造和谐友善的交际意境。
Those born in the Year of the Rabbit are in conflict with Tai Sui this year. Fortunately, there is a lucky star shining so your fortune will not be too bad. You will face some obstacles and tests this year. You’ll still be able to make progress in work and wealth, so long as you put in the hard work and demonstrate a good learning attitude. This is a conducive year for creativity. It is important to be vigilant and prudent. Be mindful of your body language and words. Maintain good relationships with others to prevent disputes or quarrels as they can negatively impact your luck.
Your wealth luck is average. As you are in conflict with Tai Sui, you will experience unfavourable luck in wealth. You are advised to take a conservative approach towards investments. Plan your finances properly and prepare a backup fund for unexpected expenses. Your wealth luck may improve if a joyous occasion happens in your family, such as a marriage or a newborn. You can place a "Ju Cai Bao Ding" beside the bed. The auspicious item reduces unexpected expenditures and boosts energy to gain money.
A negative surge in emotions could result in turbulent relationships with others. Due to differing opinions, you might frequently argue with your partner. You must try your best to resolve the arguments as soon as you can. Married couples should avoid arguing about household issues and their children’s education. Control your emotions, and learn how to communicate and compromise. Singles can expect to meet potential partners through mutual connections. It is good to have a positive attitude when encountering obstacles. You will be able to improve your relations with people by keeping your ego in check and staying humble.
Your health condition is not ideal. You will experience pressure and anxiety due to work. Rest time outside work is essential. If you lack sleep, you will not be able to concentrate and deal with problems at work. Extreme exhaustion will also affect your health. Be sure to get adequate rest or exercise regularly to improve your health. It isn’t worth letting a hectic work schedule ruin your health. You might suffer some form of injury this year, so be extra careful to avoid accidents.
Your overall luck ranks thirds among all the zodiac signs this year. Even if you meet obstacles, they will be solved easily. Keep an open mind and listen to the advice from others. The "Lunar Star" is shining, which is especially beneficial to men. If you encounter difficulties, you can ask your male friends for help. If your boss is a male, it will be easier to get recognised and promoted this year. Take this year to create more learning opportunities for yourself. Business owners will be able to find new opportunities for partnerships. You will receive help from benefactors to enhance your results. Be sincere, work hard and avoid office politics.
Your good performance at work will bring about good financial returns. There will be an opportunity to get a pay raise and your income will rise steadily. Those in business should pay special attention to cost control and cash flow, increase revenue and reduce expenditure. This will prevent you from facing poor capital turnover. Be cautious with your investments and spend rationally. Save up for rainy days and manage your finances prudently.
Peach blossoms are in bloom. Those who are married will enjoy a loving relationship this year. Due to your strong "peach blossom" luck, it is necessary to take precautions against extramarital affairs. Steer clear of trouble by avoiding one-on-one meetings with the opposite sex, as friendship could turn into romance. Those who are in love can plan for marriage and mark a big life milestone. Singles can ready themselves for an adventure. Young girls are likely to meet someone who will make their hearts flutter. However, they should get to know him better before making any decision. Do not be fooled by what you see on the surface.
You are prone to headaches, catching a cold and flu. Those living with chronic diseases should take care and visit the doctor immediately if they feel unwell. Avoid unnecessary socialising events, such as entertainment activities with colleagues. Cut back on alcohol consumption and smoking. Beware of illnesses relating to the respiratory and digestive systems. Exercise regularly to strengthen your immune system and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have sufficient rest or you might fall ill easily. You might want to consider consuming nutritional supplements to keep healthy.
健康运差,⾝体抵抗⼒下降,⼩⼼伤⻛与流⾏性感冒头痛等⽑病在所难免。所以要多多休息,注意⽣活规律,多锻炼来减压、增强抵抗⼒以免容易感染疾病。流年运势不利,导致⽣活压⼒重⼤,情绪反复⽆常,会⽆缘⽆故发脾⽓,甚⾄与⼈打架惹⿇烦。今年⾝体容易发⽣受伤流⾎等意外事件,⾼危险或刺激性的运动最好不要参与;另外⽇常⽣活使⽤⼑具时也要格外⼩⼼,最好捐⾎或多做慈善活动来化解,也可做祈福来提升运势。开⻋⼈⼠要遵守交通规则,更勿醉酒驾⻋。 今年不宜探病问丧,以免影响运势!
Your luck is average this year. Avoid meddling in the matters of others so as to steer clear of trouble. Stay motivated at work. Separate your feelings from work to prevent disputes with colleagues. Pay attention to your speech, and avoid making rude remarks. Build good relations with people so as to prevent rumours from hurting your reputation. Your career and wealth luck are not ideal, so you’ll have to work harder to overcome difficulties. It’s important to be proactive at the right moment, and rely on your own efforts to change the status quo. This will help the business to progress smoothly. Pay attention to details when dealing with important documents and matters, so as to avoid making mistakes and getting into a lawsuit.
Be extra careful when dealing with contracts and agreements. Do not make hasty decisions when investing or expanding the business. Instead of investing on the sides, focus your attention on work and career this year. Analyse projects and markets carefully before making important decisions. It is important to know your business partners well so as to avoid money-related conflicts. Be careful when you are choosing partners for a new business. Beware of being scammed.
As you are down on your luck, it will dampen your mood and cause you to quarrel with those around you. You will have to control your mood swings and maintain good relations with others. Do not bring home negativity from work and increase communication with your family members to prevent unhappiness. Couples should learn to compromise and learn to self-reflect before blaming others. Singles should not rush into relationships. They should observe the person they like and let the relationship develop naturally.
With weakened immunity, you are prone to episodes of flu and headache. Get plenty of rest and exercise regularly to improve your overall health. Life will be stressful and your emotions will be unstable. You may experience random bursts of anger, which will get you into trouble. There is a higher chance of getting an injury so please avoid high-risk activities as much as possible. Be careful when dealing with knives and sharp objects. To help overcome obstacles, you might want to participate in charity work or donate blood. Those driving should remain alert and avoid drink-driving. It is not advisable to visit the sick and attend funerals, so as not to affect your fortune!
Those born in the Year of the Horse will experience good fortune in 2023. Their careers are going strong, and they can break new ground. Due to the influence of Hai Tai Sui, you must be humble and low-key even as you achieve success. Avoid arguing with others, pay attention to interpersonal disputes, and don’t poke your nose into other people’s business. In order to achieve the desired results, you’ll have to do everything yourself. The "Lunar Star" shines, benefitting women. If you encounter difficulties, you can ask your female friends for help. If your boss is a female, it will be easier to gain recognition and get a promotion this year.
Your wealth luck is strong this year. Both investments and businesses will reap good returns. Your good performance at work will gain you recognition from the management, leading to salary increments and bonuses. Business owners can ride on this year’s excellent luck to take on investment opportunities. There will be benefactors who will boost your luck too! Take good care of your personal belongings. Secure your house properly when heading out to prevent theft. Investors have to be extra careful to avoid falling into traps.
Your love luck is good. Both the unmarried and married will have a good affinity with the opposite sex. You will enjoy a blissful marriage. As peach blossoms are in bloom for you, you’ll have to dial down your enthusiasm when interacting with members of the opposite sex. Otherwise, you will attract rotten peach blossoms and cause a crisis in your family and marriage. Singles have a chance of meeting a potential partner but you will have to act quickly. It is an ideal year for marriage planning.
Your luck in health is mediocre and you’ll only suffer from minor ailments. Due to the increase in workload, you might experience higher levels of fatigue and stress. Refrain from attending too many social gatherings. Pay attention to your diet and food hygiene. Avoid eating raw and spicy food. Get sufficient rest, exercise regularly and maintain a positive outlook in life. Take time out for yourself and your loved ones. This year, pay attention to signs of old ailments relapsing, bone problems or injuries.
健康运差,今年须增强抵抗⼒以免容易感染流⾏疾病。要多留意肺部及消化系统的问题,不妨定期检查⾝体,所谓病从浅中医,如有任何不适就及时就医,以免延误病情。今年精神状态不佳,容易有意外⾎光事件发⽣,出⻔在外出时要⼩⼼交通和⾃⾝安全。在使⽤利器时也要加倍⼩⼼,以免伤到⾃⼰。开⻋的朋友要保持良好的精神状 态,严格遵守交通规则,不可酒后驾驶。可以捐⾎或找慧师傅做“猴王消⾎光”祈福来化解⾎光之灾。
There will be steady progress in your career and it will be a great year to showcase your talents. There may be obstacles along the way, but they will be resolved easily. Keep your composure when dealing with troublesome issues. There will be people who will hinder your progress, so you choose your peers wisely. Do your job well, gain experience and learn as much as you can. Learn to treat others with the right attitude. Abide by the law, refrain from gossiping and listen humbly to the advice of your peers.
Manage your finances prudently as there is a high chance of money-related conflicts. Control your emotions and stay calm. Avoid making wrong decisions rashly. Steer clear of scams and avoid high-risk investments. You can't avoid monetary outflow this year, so use this chance to buy things you desire or donate to a charity. You may incur expenses due to marriage, housing, renovations or a newborn, which is better than losing your wealth to investments or other reasons.
Your luck in relationships is low, so you might face conflicts with your other half. Do control your emotions and take the initiative to solve problems with the right attitude. Learn to compromise and understand each another better. Avoid getting too close to anyone outside of your relationship to avoid misunderstandings. Singles have the chance to meet their potential partners. They should determine if the other party is suitable for them before continuing to date!
Your luck in health is not great. You should start maintaining a healthy and balanced diet to build up your immunity. Look out for problems in the respiratory and digestive systems. Attend regular check-ups and solve any minor health problems before they worsen. Be alert and careful when you are out. Watch out for traffic and your safety. Be careful when you are using any machinery or sharp objects. Abide by the traffic rules and avoid drink-driving. You are highly encouraged to donate blood whenever possible. You may also consider doing some rituals to improve your luck.
感情方面,不管是已婚还是未婚的朋友,感情⽣活易受第三者破坏,所以在与异性交往的过程中要注意保持距离,以免友情变爱情,惹来烂桃花。伴侣之间感情脆弱,除了⾃⼰⽤情要专⼀之外,还要多抽出时间陪伴另⼀半,主动关⼼对⽅,避免忙于⼯作造成两⼈感情疏远。 恋爱中的朋友可以进一步发展恋情,单身者容易与异性擦出爱情火花,对心仪的异性可大胆表达,切莫错过良机。
Luck is on your side this year with good opportunities for career development. You’ll have excellent relationships with others. Take this chance to work harder to increase your chances for promotion and good bonuses. Students will be productive when studying for exams. Be extra cautious and do proper checks at work, as it could hinder your career progress. In order to gain the support of others, it’s important to be trustworthy as well as strengthen your relationships with them.
Wealth luck is generally good but you are encouraged to reduce your expenses. Plan your finances properly and prepare a backup fund for any unexpected expenses. Do not depend on wealth gained from gambling, and avoid high-risk investments or loans. Be extra careful with your belongings when you are out. Do not expose your cash in public. Avoid loaning money to others.
Relationships are at risk of third-party involvements. Keep a distance from others who might pose a threat to your relationship. Men under the influence of alcohol should be extra cautious. Stay faithful in your relationship, and spend more time with your partner to maintain a healthy bond. Singles will spark an interest in their potential partners, so you can freely express your innermost thoughts and feelings to them. Married individuals should watch out for any unwanted attractions.
Your luck in health is average this year and your immunity may weaken. Keep a balanced and healthy diet, and exercise regularly. You could face health issues in the respiratory or digestive systems. You might also lack focus and suffer from insomnia. Minor health problems may occur, so it is important to take extra care of your health. Reduce intake of cold beverages, oily food and alcohol. Avoid excessive eating. Cut back on unnecessary socialising engagements and have adequate rest. Avoid attending funerals or visiting patients in hospitals. You may consider doing some rituals to improve your luck.
今年的情绪不安,会频繁发脾⽓,未婚者容易与伴侣发⽣争执,要互相忍让,⼩⼼维持彼此之间的感情。对于已婚的朋友来说,夫妻间也容易因意⻅不统⼀⽽引起争吵,所以需多沟通交流,不要因为事业的不顺发泄在家⼈⾝ 上,令对⽅⽆端受罪难受,尽量迁就对⽅,珍惜现在所拥有的幸福生活。总之,今年⼀定要注意控制⾃⼰的情绪,才不会给双⽅带来伤害。单身者要懂得随缘,不要超之过急,特别⼩⼼⽹站平台感情骗⼦的诱惑,应把时间和精⼒转移到事业上。
健康状况不理想,稍⼀不慎,便容易⽣病。由于⼯作的忙碌,运势低落⽽胡思乱想,导致睡眠不好,平时要减少 不必要的应酬,多做运动来增强⾝体抵抗⼒。另外定期做好⾝体检查⼯作,若有不适,要及时检查医治。今年凡事要多注意安全,以免⾝体受到跌损扭伤。开⻋⼈⼠要遵守交通规则,切勿酒后驾⻋,以免发⽣交通事故,可以捐⾎来化解⾎光之灾。运⽓不佳尽量避免探病问丧,多参加欢乐喜庆的场合排除负⾯影响,也可多做祈福来提升运势。
Those born in the year of the Rooster are in conflict with Tai Sui. You may not make progress or accomplish achievements in your career due to obstacles. This is the time to reflect —be patient, move one step at a time, and take a conservative approach at work. You will have to manage your temper and emotions well so as to prevent conflicts with others. Your overall luck will improve if there is a marriage or newborn this year. Business owners should spend time and effort to maintain relationships with their customers. Your hard work, experience and abilities are key to improving your business. Take a risk-averse approach when investing.
As your wealth luck is low, you will have to work extra hard to get good results. As work stress builds up, it might affect your decision-making skills. Business owners should manage the company’s finances prudently. Take a conservative approach to your investments. Refrain from gambling. Avoid mixing with toxic people who may land you in trouble.
Mood swings will cause you to lose your temper easily, causing you to get into disputes with your other half. In order to maintain your relationship, learn to compromise and be patient with one another. For those who are married, communication is key to solving differing views on any matter. Do not bring home negative emotions from work. Singles should not be overzealous about getting into a relationship. They should be wary of love scams. Instead, put your energy into your career and let nature take its course.
You will tend to fall ill easily. You’ll suffer from insomina due to high levels of stress at work and are low on luck. Reduce the frequency of late-night socialising engagements and adopt a healthier lifestyle to increase your immunity. Schedule a full body check-up. As you are more prone to injuries, take care of your safety and well-being. Those who drive should take extra care on the road. You are highly encouraged to donate blood. Avoid attending funerals or visiting patients in hospitals. You may also consider doing some rituals to improve your luck.
⼈缘佳,聚会和应酬增多,本年会有较多的机会结识新朋友。感情运稳定,由于今年事业发展强劲,忙于出差应酬⽽忽 略冷落伴侣,容易有顾此失彼的情况。已婚的朋友⼯作之余可以携伴⼀起游玩来重温感情。单⾝者有望在今年展开新恋情,适当的时候可通过⻓辈或亲友同事帮忙牵线搭桥来结识⼼仪的对象。若有⼼仪对象的朋友也不能操之过急,要多花些时间和心思去维系感情。
You are the zodiac sign with the best luck this year. Those born in the Year of the Dog will be blessed with many benefactors and earn recognition from many. This is a good year to tap on your strengths to create good opportunities. However, it is important to stay humble, work hard and be detail-oriented. In order to prepare for your future, you can choose to further your studies or learn new skills. It is a good year for investments, exploring new markets, and fulfilling your dreams and ideas.
This is an excellent year to gain wealth, your income will significantly increase as compared to previous years. You’ll meet benefactors who will elevate your career, especially so for entrepreneurs. You’ll have good luck in the lottery too. But remember to give back to the needy in the community, so that you’ll continue to be lucky. Avoid spending too much. There will be plenty of business opportunities but take note of the details in the paperwork. You are advised to take a much more conservative stance with your investments. Business owners should be extra careful when making investment decisions.
You’ll have more opportunities to meet new people through business meetings and social gatherings. Though your relationship is stable, you’ll still have to put in effort and time to maintain the bond with your partner. Singles have a good chance of finding someone new through mutual connections. Take your time to choose a partner before embarking on a new relationship.
You should pay more attention to your dietary habits. Do not eat fried or cold food, and do not ignore gastrointestinal discomfort. You should take time to rest and build up your health. Drink plenty of water and eat vegetables. Females should learn how to unwind and relax. They should also schedule a visit to the gynaecologist.
财星受损,小心意外破财,宜平衡好⽀出和收入,今年做事应该稳打稳扎,计划规律,不可懒惰拖延,不可进⾏⾼⻛险的投机或扩充营业,恐防判断错误造成破财,涉及⾦钱项⽬较⼤的投资时,最好和家⼈商量⼀下,适当的时候要听取他⼈的意⻅,以防卷入小人与⾦钱纠纷,严重者还可能惹来官非。出⻔在外要锁好⻔窗,外出时要加强⾃我防范意识,最好财不外露,看管好⾃⼰的钱财,注意贵重 物品随⾝携带。今年不可轻易借钱给他⼈,以免有去⽆回,给⾃⼰徒增烦恼。
Lady luck isn’t smiling on those born in the Year of the Pig. Your wealth and career luck will be weak. You will have a tendency to be careless, so take care to be meticulous when going over contracts. Although progress in your career will be slow, continue to maintain good relations with your colleagues and work even harder. Business owners should be extra careful when making investment decisions. Avoid high-risk investments.
As your wealth luck is poor, please be prudent in handling your finances and refrain from making high-risk investments. This will help you avoid making unnecessary losses due to bad judgment. If there are good opportunities, seek your family members’ advice before making any decision. You can’t avoid “losing” wealth this year, so take care of your belongings and secure your house. Refrain from loaning money to others.
Your emotions will be affected due to misfortune. You will have a tendency to say the wrong words and cause misunderstandings. You should always think before you speak. Couples will fight frequently, hence it is important to be understanding and compromise. Those who are married will lose the spark in their relationship. Leave your work issues in the office, and do not vent your frustrations on your partner. Always remember the importance of a supporting and peaceful family. Singles should participate in social events to increase their chance of making new friends.
You will tend to fall sick easily this year. Take note of changes in your body and schedule yourself to undergo a health screening. As you will be more prone to injuries, avoid engaging in high-risk activities. Keep a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid consuming raw and spicy food. Avoid attending funerals or making hospital visits. Boost your luck by attending more festive occasions. Stay alert and be careful when you are out. Watch out for traffic and take care of your safety. Be mindful when using machines or sharp objects. Be careful when driving, abide by the traffic rules and avoid drink-driving. You are highly encouraged to donate blood. You may also consider doing some rituals to improve your luck.